It was late. Around 11.30, he opened the door and came inside the room. Room was dirty but there was enough space on bed to sleep. To sleep ... he was trying that from 4-5 days. A bed, a blanket and a fan was not enough to get a sleep, something else was required...
Leaving it apart as he was doing it from some days, he thought what to do. Some people live with this "change the world" attitude and soon they released that this is a shit idea. For a good life, change yourself, live a normal life. Normal life... yes, this question hung on his ass from so many days. He was figuring out what is a normal life. Office, movie, food, trip on weekends, TV show, cricket, shopping ??
There is a big risk in becoming leader. The very first bullet target you. If so, It's good to be a follower ? Its good to be a normal person, be a leader of your family, probably a wife, 2-3 kids, who will not shoot you in 99 percent of chance. Why to lead a path were bullets don't ask you even "who are heck you are". But then some such person "change the world". Great, respect them, they deserve ! Be a good follower of them !
A beggar on road ! Please, don't do injustice with your normal life. If you start thinking why the heck he wants money and 1-2 step ahead that these people should not exist in our country then please STOP STOP STOP ! You are going to miss something charming of your normal life. Probably you will be late in reaching home and you miss you TV show. Or probably you will miss that one liner jokes on Radio. Come on, your thinking will not change their life, and how come they are thousand in number and you are alone with the pressure of office, sexy wife, lovely kids. It is simply not possible !
Thinking all this and taking a firm decision to live normal, he thought it was easy to sleep now, but it was not... probably his some questions were still unanswered.
the thing is... you don't want to end up doing something that you can extrapolate now...
why don't u ask this guy to smoke a fag, booze a couple of beers and watch looney tunes after it grows dark... its like balancing out the supernormal with an abnormal...
sounds crazy??? Oh well it is...
Fine idea neeraj. It should be passed down.
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