Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Finally Apple decided to go greener !!

Ah so here goes the good news. Apple has declared a phase out of the worst chemicals in its product range, Brominated Fire Retardants (BFRs) and Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) by 2008.

Greenpeace force Apple to take such an action. I am a great fan of apple product but regret to see the e-waste mountains in Asian countries. I guess Indian Market should be one the target markets for products like IPod and MacBook and Steve has to realise this.

Steve said "Today is the first time we have openly discussed our plans to become a greener Apple. It will not be the last." So cheers.


Sujoo said...

Green Apple...sounds healthier. Lol.

Vaibhav Choudhary said...

yep :D