Thursday, June 09, 2005

Hummm .. Problem

It’s a situation, no a dilemma. There is a student, good student. He wanted to see whole world. But suddenly he selected Computer Science as branch, final got a Job. But he was not happy with that.

Sitting whole day near A.C, eyes gazing computer monitor, fingers continuously running on keyboard, sometime if fingers get time it shifts from keyboard to mouse.

He had the dream to see the world, but he was so blocked with the work that he didn't have time to even think for the world. No problem in company, neither with any person there. But he is not what he wanted to be.

He moved so far in career that reverting back ... no no, not possible.

Any suggestion for such poor fellow?


Anonymous said...

Goto the following sites:

Vaibhav Choudhary said...

Abeee ... that person is not seeking Job... anyhow this site is good for me ;-)

Enjoy Life!! said...

kya seth, itni jaldi mid life crisis ka protptype aagaya life mein

Vaibhav Choudhary said...

great puneet,

Nice words written !!!

thanks alot

Sujoo said...

Take a break V..and enjoy for a while. Getting back to work would be even exciting as it may not seem now. :)

Vaibhav Choudhary said...

Ya i guess this will work...

Anyway, i took 4-5 days leave in office.

thanks sujata